Unit presentation

Unit presentation

UMR0914 INRA/AgroParisTech, Physiology of Nutrition and Food Behavior

The UMR0914 was created in 2002 when Human Nutrition research professors of the INA-P / G (AgroParisTech since 2005) joined a research department of INRA (National Agronomy Institute of Research). The unit is attached to the "Research Center for Human Nutrition of Ile de France" (CRNH-IdF) and a clinical investigation center at the University Hospital Avicenne (Bobigny, 93).

The unit is part of the department "Life Sciences and Health" of AgroParisTech and to the department "ALIMH" of INRA.

The unit has been an active member of the network ALIAS (Aliment, Alimentation et Santé).

Finally, the Unit is a member of the Carnot Qualiment®, a research network for food innovation accredited by the MESRI since 2011 (more information: https://qualiment.fr/).

The UMR0914 is composed of:

  • A Unit Director: Prof. Daniel TOME - Two Deputy Directors: Gilles FROMENTIN and Claire GAUDICHON

Claire Gaudichon - Unit Director

François Blachier - Deputy Director

  • 22 researchers/engineers (10 AgroParisTech, 5 INRA, 5 PU-PH,  1 CNRS, 1 INSERM )
  • 5 Technicians
  • 2 animal keepers: Morgane Dufay
  • 10 PhD students
  • An AgroParisTech secretary: Marie-Dominique LUCENAY  
  • A health and safety manager: Véronique MATHE
  • A quality assurance manager:  Catherine CHAUMONTET

Organization chart of the unit :



Modification date: 06 February 2024 | Publication date: 04 December 2012 | By: AD