APReM “ Protein intake and regulation of metabolism ”

Team APReM « Protein intake and regulation of metabolism»

Equipe APReM « Apports protéiques et régulation du métabolisme » (version française)


The APReM team's research focuses on assessing the consequences of variations in protein-energy intake on metabolism and physiology, in different physiological and pathological situations. We are particularly interested in the effects of modulations in the quantity and quality of proteins in different nutritional contexts (normal diets, western diets, deficient diets).

We seek to establish criteria and reference data on the satisfaction of protein, amino acid and energy requirements. In addition, our work takes into account individual characteristics of metabolic sensitivity to diets, within the framework of personalised (or precision) nutrition concepts. This work is carried out in the context of promoting healthy and sustainable nutrition, finding the right balance between animal and vegetable protein sources, and evaluating alternative protein sources to animal proteins.

Our studies are carried out on animals and humans in normal situations and in fragile or pathological situations. This work requires very specific expertise from the team, combining mechanistic and integrative physiological approaches involving the measurement of energy expenditure, metabolic flows using isotopic approaches, and research into molecular and cellular biomarkers of nutritional status. Part of the research effort is dedicated to the development of innovative methods of analysis and exploration.

The bioavailability of proteins and amino acids. Our research explores the digestion, bioavailability and quality of different sources of proteins of animal (meat, milk proteins), vegetable (oleaginous plants, legumes, cereals) or unicellular organisms (spirulina, yeasts) origin in physiological and pathophysiological situations (pancreatitis, bariatric surgery). New approaches and methods are being developed to answer these research questions. The double tracer method, a minimally invasive method for determining digestibility, has been evaluated in different programmes, in rats and in humans, particularly in the context of the evaluation of sunflower and pea proteins.

Protein and energy metabolic orientations and regulations. Our work evaluates the influence of the characteristics and variations in protein intake on the control of amino acid metabolism and on their partition between the anabolic pathways of protein synthesis and various compounds, their interconversion in the catabolic pathways of energy metabolism and their signal role in the liver, a key regulatory organ of energy and protein homeostasis. Our studies focus on the mechanisms responsible for metabolic orientations and the associated signalling pathways involving in particular hormones (insulin, leptin, ghrelin) and various growth factors involved in these processes (IGF1, FGF21, etc.) to ensure the maintenance of energy homeostasis when the intake of protein or certain amino acids decreases, in line with what is observed in predominantly plant-based diets. This work also evaluates the repercussions on food intake and the neuropeptides involved in the energy balance at the hypothalamic level as well as the receptors of the reward circuit at the level of the nucleus accumbens. Our work also explores metabolic and functional dysfunctions and processes related to physiopathological disorders, depending on individual sensitivities to weight gain and adiposity.

The search for biomarkers of protein and amino acid requirements. Finally, our work aims to identify relevant signatures for the evaluation of nutritional requirements in proteins and amino acids, the adequacy of dietary intakes to these requirements, and their role in the prevention of pathological drifts according to individuals. To this end, we are developing metabolomic approaches for the search for biomarkers of the need for essential amino acids. They are associated with biostatistical approaches for the analysis of complex data, enabling sample discrimination and the extraction of molecular markers. We are also working on the metabolic signatures of protein and essential amino acid requirements in relation to carbohydrate intake (quantity and quality of carbohydrates (glycemic index)) in order to determine the adequacy of the protein/carbohydrate ratio in the diet.

Examples of ongoing projects :

International projects :

  • Franco-Indian industrial research project Cefipra Urinary metabolomics for monitoring Lysine sufficiency in malnourished infants receiving lysine fortified food (SupLys). The partners in this project are the two academic partners of the Laboratoire Internatonal Associé (APReM PNCA team and the St John's Institute) and two industrial partners (Tweed and Nutivita from the Nutriset group).
  • Participation in the Proteos Project led by Massey University (New Zealand) on the evaluation of the digestibility of zein amino acids and whey proteins in healthy volunteers and comparison with other models; other partners: Wageningen University, University of Illinois).
  • Participation in the Welcome Trust Project "Role of protein and vitamin B12 in clinical and public health nutrition in India" led by St. John's Medical College (Bangalore, India) on the evaluation of the dual tracer method compared to the direct method in humans.

National Projects :

  • PHRC Interregional RyDigest: Evaluation of the impact of a gastric bypass on the bioavailability of dietary proteins (clinical project (PHRC IR 2017), bicentric in relation with Avicenne Hospital and UCA and Clermont Ferrand led by APHP).
  • ANR PRODIGE: Production of highly bioavailable proteoleaginous proteins for human food (we are the project leader, with LRGP partners from Nancy, Terres Innovia and Avril). We are establishing data on the nutritional quality of sunflower, rapeseed and flax in humans, and are working on the development of the minimally invasive method known as the double tracer method.
  • Qualiment Nativif project: In relation with the APAI team that is leading the project in the unit, we are evaluating the bioavailability of proteins in infant formulas that have undergone thermal processes with little denaturing effect on the raccoon.
  • Qualiment 4 CP project: In collaboration with the APNeuro team that is leading the project in the unit, we are evaluating the metabolic causes and consequences of protein consumption choices.

Members of the APReM team


  • Dalila Azzout-Marniche, Professor of Human Nutrition, AgroParisTech, Head of the APReM team

Expertise: Nutrition, physiology, metabolic regulations, metabolism and protein and amino acid requirements, energy metabolism, metabolic dysfunctions, mechanisms of individual sensitivities, predictive markers.

Research: My research aims to characterise the mechanisms by which the quantity of protein intake controls metabolic orientations (protein, carbohydrate and lipid) and associated dysfunctions. In my studies, I search for biomarkers predictive of the satisfaction of protein and amino acid requirements and of individual sensitivities to diets.

Teaching : I teach the physiological and pathophysiological bases of nutritional needs, the molecular mechanisms involved in the effects of nutrients on health. I am co-responsible for the M1 Nutrition and Food Science (NSA) and the apprenticeship programme (University of Paris Saclay).

Other functions: Editor of Nutrients, Vice-President of Section 1 of CNECA, AgroParisTech representative in EUGLOH

  • Juliane Calvez, Chargé de recherche, INRAe

Expertise: Protein digestion, bioavailability of amino acids, new protein sources, protein quality.

Research: My research theme concerns the study of the bioavailability of amino acids in dietary proteins and encompasses the production of bioavailability data for new protein sources, the development of new methods for measuring bioavailability and the study of factors that can modulate this bioavailability. These studies are carried out in humans and in the rodent model using stable isotopes for protein labelling.

Keywords: Protein digestion, amino acid bioavailability, new protein sources, protein quality.

  • Martin Chapelais, Research technician in protein biochemistry, INRAe

Expertise: Biochemistry.

Research: I take part in research on the bioavailability of amino acids, mainly by taking charge of the analysis of amino acids and the measurement of isotopic enrichment in these compounds.

Keywords: Biochemistry, proteins.

  • Catherine Chaumontet, Research Engineer, INRAe, Head of the Animal Facility
Photo Catherine Chaumontet

 Expertise: Nutrition, neurobiology of behaviour and food intake, amino acid signalling, mechanisms of the reward system.

Research: My research focuses on the mechanisms of food intake control during protein intake (high protein content and/or low protein content and proteins of animal vs. plant origin). In particular, I study the reward centre and the hypothalamic control centre. Currently I am studying microRNAs in biological fluids.

Keywords: Nutrition, protein, feeding behaviour, animal studies, molecular biology.

Other functions: Head of the animal house, Quality manager, member of the Jouy en Josas ethics committee (COMETHEA).

  • Christophe Cordella, Ingénieur de recherche en chimie analytique et chimiométrie, INRAe

Expertise: Holder of a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Qualified to direct research, I specialise in rapid analysis techniques for the characterisation of the physicochemical properties of foodstuffs.

Research: I am interested in rapid and non-invasive methods of food analysis to improve the characterization of the different components of quality and to better understand and monitor the effect of processes on the life cycle of foods. I develop chemometric methods for the processing of analytical data and integrate them into adaptive graphical interfaces under Matlab.

Keywords: spectroscopic - IR, raman, fluorescence, ultra fast GC, electronic nose.

Other functions: seconded as a professor in food sciences at Laval University in Quebec City (Canada).

  • Patrick C. Even, Research Fellow, CNRS
Photo Patrick Even

 Expertise: Nutrition, Measurement of energy metabolism, Analysis of food behaviour, Metabolic and behavioural phenotyping.

Research: My research is based on the observation in humans and animals that the protein intake levels measured under conditions of free choice of food are higher than the "essential" requirements to ensure the nitrogen balance. My work analyses the consequences on food choices and the long-term evolution of insulin resistance and body composition, as a function of the quantity and quality of protein intake, and the quantity and quality of dietary carbohydrates. The aim is to define in the long term, in the context of dietary transition, what is the optimal protein/carbohydrate ratio according to the animal or plant origin of the proteins and the glycaemic index of the carbohydrate source.

Keywords: Protein requirements, carbohydrates, protein quality, glycemic index, diabetes, obesity.

  • Claire Gaudichon, Professor of Human Nutrition, AgroParisTech, Director of the PNCA unit

Research: My research topics concern protein digestion and protein-energy metabolism in normal or pathological situations. I carry out studies in humans, particularly within the framework of collaborative projects, and I also work on rodent models, with the preferred approach being the determination of digestive and metabolic flows thanks to stable isotopes.

Keywords: Protein quality, amino acids, bioavailability, isotopic tracers, mass spectrometry, clinical and animal studies.

Teaching: Co-responsible for the Master in Nutrition and Food Sciences (NSA) and responsible for the M2 Nutrition and Health (University of Paris Saclay).

Other functions : President of the CNECA section 4.

  • Delphine Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, Chargée de Recherches en chimiométrie, INRAe

Research: Trained as a chemical engineer, and holding a PhD in Applied Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium), my research focuses on the development of chemometric methods for data analysis, to extract information from signals and measured data. In particular, I apply these methods to the detection of biomarkers characteristic of the problem under study, for example the deficiency of a particular amino acid. 

Teaching : I am co-responsible of a Teaching Unit of the Master M2 Research and Development in Analytical Strategies (RDSA), entitled "Chemometric tools for the implementation of an experimental project and data processing" (University Paris-Saclay).

Keywords: Data analysis, chemometrics, biomarkers.

  • Nadezda Khodorova, Research Engineer, AgroParisTech

Expertise: Mass spectrometry, isotope marking, metabolic profiling, biomarkers, amino acid bioavailability.

Research: My research focuses on the development, optimisation and validation of methods for the analysis of amino acids and the measurement of isotopic enrichment in these compounds. In addition, I conduct metabolic profiling studies to search for biomarkers of different foods.

Keywords: Stable isotope, metabolomics, isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

Other functions: Head of the isotopic technical platform.

  • Nathalie Locquet, Research Engineer, INRAe

Expertise : Analytical chemistry.

Research: My research focuses on the one hand on the analysis by UPLC in order to identify the amino acid profiles of the samples studied (biological fluids, food...) and on the other hand on the identification of biomarkers of liquid/solid matrices using different analysis techniques, the main one being spectrofluorescence but also volatile compounds by Flash-GC of matrices such as biological fluids (urine, plasmas...) or organs/tissues (liver, adipose tissue...).

Keywords: Analysis of AA by UPLC, spectrofluorescence, flash-GC.

Other functions: Management of the analytical chemistry laboratory. In charge of the Horiba Aqualog spectrofluorometer and co-responsible for the UPLC (Waters).

  • Julien Piedcoq, Engineering assistant, AgroParisTech

Expertise: Molecular biology, image analysis, biochemistry, clinical and animal studies.

Research: I take part in research into the bioavailability of amino acids, dietary behaviour and personalised nutrition, mainly by taking charge of the molecular biology of samples from their collection to analysis. I analyse MRI images of animals subjected to specific or non-specific diets in order to quantify adiposity in a non-invasive way. I develop, improve or optimise certain dosage or protocols in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Keywords: Molecular biology.

  •  Daniel Tomé, Honorary Professor, AgroParisTech

Expertise: FAO expert, IAEA, nutritional needs, protein requirements.

Research: Participates as an expert in the team's projects on the definition of amino acid and protein requirements, and the capacity of the different sources of dietary protein to cover these needs.

Keywords: Nutritional needs, proteins, amino acids.

Other functions: Associate editor in "journal of nutrition".

Apprentices, Doctoral and Post-doctoral students

  • Nathalie Atallah, Doctoral student, CIFRE

Expertise: In vivo digestion, protein and amino acid digestibility, EA-IRMS, GC-C-IRMS, GC-IRMS, UPLC.

Research: My thesis topic is the nutritional characterization of milk proteins of different molecular assembly.

Keywords: In vivo digestion, in vitro digestion, milk proteins.

  • Soukaïna Benhaddou, Doctoral student, AgroParisTech

Expertise: Master's Degree in Nutrition, Energy Metabolism, Signalling - University of Paris (Université Paris Descartes).

Research: The thesis project aims to determine the effect of bypass bariatric surgery on the bioavailability of dietary proteins/amino acids, with a particular focus on the role of intestinal remodelling.

Keywords: rats, clinical study, caseins, stable isotopes, mass spectrometry.

  • Omar H. Dib, Doctoral student,  AgroParisTech/Lebanese University of Agronomy

 Expertise: Master of Engineering in Agriculture from the Lebanese University and Master of Science in Food Technology from the American University of Beirut. Award for academic excellence.

Research: My thesis project aims at developing a fingerprinting approach for the physicochemical characterization of Lebanese olive oils in order to improve the manufacturing practices in Lebanon and enable the obtaining of a Protected Geographical Indication for the export market.

Key words: fluorescence spectroscopy, Fast-GC, GC-MS, Chemometrics, quality of olive oils, local products.

  • Nicolas Delhaye, Appenti ingénieur

 Expertise: AgroParisTech engineering student on an apprenticeship programme and apprentice in the APReM team

Research: My learning project focuses on the study of the effect of essential amino acid deficiency on protein metabolism.

Key words: protein metabolism, deficiency in essential amino acids

  • Joséphine Gehring, Doctoral student, AgroParisTech
Photo Joséphine

 Expertise: Protein and amino acid requirements, energy metabolism, dietary behaviour

Research: My thesis project focuses on the amino acids involved in protein and energy metabolism which intervene on the one hand on the control of protein homeostasis and on the other hand on the more general energy control aiming at a certain balance between carbohydrate and protein intakes which can lead to a higher protein target value.

Keywords: Low protein intake, free choice of food, body composition, dietary behaviour, energy metabolism, rat model.

  • Florence Guillin, Doctoral student, CIFRE

 Expertise: Protein digestibility, plant proteins, clinical studies, stable isotopes animal studies

Research: My thesis project concerns the evaluation of the ileal digestibility of pea protein and the development of a plasma isotopic method using samples from animal and clinical experiments.

Keywords: Amino acid assays by U-HPLC liquid chromatography, vegetable protein mass spectrometry, protein digestibility

  • Antoine Laborde, Doctoral student, CIFRE

Expertise: Engineer from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Systems and Information Automation branch. Specialised in infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral variants. Python and Matlab programmer.

Research: My thesis project aims to develop methods for the detection of minority components in powdered products from the food industry using near infrared hyperspectral imaging.

Keywords: Infrared hyperspectral imaging, chemometrics, factorial methods, remote sensing, light scattering theory, data sciences.

  • Joanna Moro, Doctoral student, AgroParisTech

 Expertise: Need for proteins and essential amino acids, amino acid signalling.

Research: My thesis project aims to characterize the impact of protein and essential amino acid (lysine, threonine) deficiency on protein and energy metabolism in growing rats, and to identify molecular biomarkers of amino acid requirement using metabolomics.

Keywords: Amino acid requirement, protein metabolism, energy metabolism, metabolomics.

  • Gaëtan Roisné-Hamelin, Doctoral student, AgroParisTech

Expertise: Need for proteins and essential amino acids.

Research: My thesis project aims to validate variations in urinary metabolome profiles as specific biomarkers of lysine deficiency and the efficacy of lysine supplementation during dietary supplementation in malnourished children. My thesis will be jointly supervised by the PNCA unit (Dalila Azzout-Marniche) and the St. John's Research Institute in Bangalore (Dr Sarita Devi).

Keywords: Amino acid requirement, metabolomic signature, urinary biomarkers.

  • Romain Tessier, Post Doctoral student, AgroParisTech Innovation
Romain Tessier

Expertises : Protein and amino acid digestibility measurements in vivo.

Research: My research subject is the study of the digestibility of proteins and amino acids from protein crops and the development of a less invasive method: the double tracer method.

Keywords : Stable isotopes, proteoleaginous plants, mass spectrometry, protein quality, digestibility, amino acids.


Recent publications


Assaf A, Grangé E, Cordella C, Rutledge D, Lees M, Lahmar A, Thouand G. Evaluation of the impact of buffered peptone water composition on the discrimination between Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli by Raman spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2020), 412: 3595–3604, doi : 10.1007/s00216-020-02596-7

N. Atallah, B. Deracinois, A. Boulier, A. Baniel, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, R. Ravallec, C. Flahaut, B. Cudennec, In vitro assessment of the impact of the industrial processes on the gastrointestinal digestion of milk protein matrices using the INFOGEST protocol, Foods (2020), 9: 1580. doi: 10.3390/foods9111580

Benoit S, Chaumontet C, Schwarz J, Cakir-Kiefer C, Boulier A, Tomé D, Miclo L. Anxiolytic Activity and Brain Modulation Pattern of the α-Casozepine-Derived Pentapeptide YLGYL in Mice. Nutrients (2020), 12(5):1497. doi: 10.3390/nu12051497.

Brouzes CMC, Darcel N, Tomé D, Dao MC, Bourdet-Sicard R, Holmes BA, Lluch A. Urban Egyptian Women Aged 19-30 Years Display Nutrition Transition-Like Dietary Patterns, with High Energy and Sodium Intakes, and Insufficient Iron, Vitamin D, and Folate Intakes. Curr Dev Nutr. (2020), 4(2):nzz143. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzz143. 

Calvez J, Benoit S, Piedcoq J, Khodorova N, Azzout-Marniche D, Tomé D, Benamouzig R, Airinei G,  Gaudichon G. Very low ileal nitrogen and amino acid digestibility of zein compared to whey protein isolate in healthy volunteers . Am J Clin Nutr (2020), 00:1–13. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa274

Carlin G, Chaumontet C, Blachier F, Barbillon P, Darcel N, Delteil C, van der Beek EM, Kodde A, van de Heijning BJM, Tomé D, Davila AM. Perinatal exposure of rats to a maternal diet with varying protein quantity and quality affects the risk of overweight in female adult offspring. J Nutr Biochem.( 2020 ), 79:108333. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2019.108333. 

Deglaire A, Moughan PJ, Airinei G, Benamouzig R, Tomé D. Intact and hydrolyzed casein lead to similar ileal endogenous protein and amino acid flows in adult humans. Am J Clin Nutr. (2020);111(1):90-97. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz268. 

Desclée de Maredsous C, Carlin G, Oosting A, Delteil C, Azzout-Marniche D, Chaumontet C, Blachier F, Barbillon P, Mary-Huard T, Tomé D, Oozeer R, Davila AM. Increased Susceptibility to Obesity and Glucose Intolerance in Adult Female Rats Programmed by High-Protein Diet during Gestation, But Not during Lactation. Nutrients. (2020), 12(2):315. doi: 10.3390/nu12020315. 

Dib OH, Rizkalah J, Yaacoub R, Dib H, Locquet N, Eveleigh L, Cordella CBY, Bassal A: Does Variability Affect the Performance of Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy? A Study Case on Commercial Lebanese Olive Oil. J Fluoresc (2020). doi: 10.1007/s10895-020-02634-8

Dib OH, Bassal A, Dib H, Yaacoub Y, Locquet N, Eveleigh L, Cordella CBY: Impact of Growing Area and Technological Aspects on Lebanese Olive Oil: Characterization by Unsupervised Methods. Journal of Food Research (2020), 9(2).doi: 10.5539/jfr.v9n2p48

Dupont C, Bocquet A, Tomé D, Bernard M, Campeotto F, Dumond P, Essex A, Frelut ML, Guénard-Bilbault L, Lack G, Linglart A, Payot F, Taieb A, Kalach N. Hydrolyzed Rice Protein-Based Formulas, a Vegetal Alternative in Cow's Milk Allergy. Nutrients. (2020);12(9):2654. doi: 10.3390/nu12092654.

Gehring J, Azzout-Marniche D, Even P.C. Variability in Plasma FGF21 Levels in Rats Fed A Standard 15% Protein Diet is not Sensitive Enough to Reflect Differences in Protein Requirements. Archives of Diabetes & Obesity (2020), 3(1): 262-268. doi:10.32474/ADO.2020.03.000154.

Gehring J, Gaudichon C, Even P.C. Influence de la teneur en protéines de l’alimentation sur le contrôle de la prise alimentaire et la régulation du poids. Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique (2020). doi:10.1016/j.cnd.2020.08.001.

Gaudichon C, Calvez J. Determinants of amino acid bioavailability from ingested protein in relation to gut health. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. (2020).doi: 10.1097/mco.0000000000000708

Guillin FM, Gaudichon C, Guerin-Deremaux L, Lefranc-Millot C, Azzout-Marniche D, Khodorova N, Calvez J. Multi-criteria assessment of pea protein quality in rats: a comparison between casein, gluten and pea protein alone or supplemented with methionine. The British journal of nutrition. (2020) 27:1-9. doi: 10.1017/s0007114520002883

Laborde A, Jaillais B, Bendoula R, J.-M. Roger J-M, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Eveleigh L, Bertrand D, Boulanger A, Cordella C. A PLS-based approach to assess the light penetration depth in wheat flour by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy  (2020), 28(1), 25-36. doi: 10.1177/0967033519891594

Laborde A, Jaillais B, Roger J-M , Metz M, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Eveleigh L, Cordella C. Subpixel detection of peanut in wheat flour using a matched subspace detector algorithm and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging, Talanta (2020), 216 ,120993. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120993

Mishra P, Roger J-M , Rutledge D.N , Biancolillo A, Marini F, Nordon A, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, MBA-GUI: A chemometric graphical user interface for multiblock data visualisation, regression, classification, variable selection and automated pre-processing. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (2020), 205 ,104139. doi: 10.1016/j.chemolab.2020.104139

Moro J, Tomé D, Schmidely P, Chalvon-Demersay T, Azzout-Marniche D. Histidine: A Systematic Review on Metabolism and Physiological Effects in Human and Different Animal Species. Nutrients. (2020), 14;12(5):E1414. doi: 10.3390/nu12051414. 

F. Puig-Castellvi, L. Cardona, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, C.B.Y. Cordella, L. Mazeas, D.N. Rutledge, O. Chapleur, Assessment of the microbial interplay during anaerobic co-digestion of wastewater sludge using common components analysis, PLoS ONE (2020), 15(5), e0232324. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232324 

Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Cordella CBY , Mazeas L , Rutledge DN , Chapleur O. Assessment of substrate biodegradability improvement in anaerobic co-digestion using a chemometric-based metabolomics approach. Chemosphere (2020), 254, 126812. doi: 10.1016/ j.chemosphere.2020.126812

Puig-Castellvi F, Cardona J, Bureau C, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Cordella CBY, Mazéas L, Rutledge DN, Chapleur O. Effect of ammonia exposure and acclimation on the performance and the microbiome of anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology Reports (2020),11, 100488. doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2020.100488

Shivakumar N, Jackson AA, Courtney-Martin G, Elango R, Ghosh S, Hodgkinson S, Xipsiti M, Lee WTK, Kurpad AV, Tomé D. Protein Quality Assessment of Follow- up Formula for Young Children and Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods: Recommendations by the FAO Expert Working Group in 2017. J Nutr. (2020);150(2):195-201. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz250. 

Tessier R, Khodorova N, Calvez J, Kapel R, Quinsac A, Piedcoq J, Tomé D, Gaudichon C. 15N and ²H Intrinsic Labeling Demonstrate That Real Digestibility in Rats of Proteins and Amino Acids from Sunflower Protein Isolate Is Almost as High as That of Goat Whey. J Nutr. (2020);150(3):450-457. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz279. 

Tessier R, Calvez J, Khodorova N, Gaudichon C. Protein and amino acid digestibility of (15)N Spirulina in rats. European journal of nutrition ( 2020). doi: 10.1007/s00394-020-02368-0. 

Tomé D, Benoit S, Azzout-Marniche D. Protein metabolism and related body function: mechanistic approaches and health consequences. Proc Nutr Soc. (2020):1-9. doi: 10.1017/S0029665120007880. 

Tomé D. Admissible daily intake for glutamate. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. (2020) ;23(2):133-137. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000624. Erratum in: Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. (2020) ;23(3):232. 

Tomé D, Chaumontet C, Even PC, Darcel N, Thornton SN, Azzout-Marniche D. Protein Status Modulates an Appetite for Protein To Maintain a Balanced Nutritional State-A Perspective View. J Agric Food Chem. (2020);68(7):1830-1836. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b05990. 

Van der Wielen N, Khodorova NV, Gerrits WJJ, Gaudichon C, Calvez J, Tomé D, Mensink M. Blood 15N:13C Enrichment Ratios Are Proportional to the Ingested Quantity of Protein with the Dual-Tracer Approach for Determining Amino Acid Bioavailability in Humans. J Nutr. (2020);150(9):2346-2352. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxaa205. 


Azzout-Marniche D, Chaumontet C, Piedcoq J, Khodorova N, Fromentin G, Tomé D, Gaudichon C, Even PC. High Pancreatic Amylase Expression Promotes Adiposity in Obesity-Prone Carbohydrate-Sensitive Rats. J Nutr. (2019);149(2):270-279. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy262. 

Blais A, Rochefort GY, Moreau M, Calvez J, Wu X, Matsumoto H, Blachier F. Monosodium Glutamate Supplementation Improves Bone Status in Mice Under Moderate Protein Restriction. JBMR plus. (2019) ;3:e10224.doi:10.1002/jbm4.10224

Calvez J, Weber M, Ecochard C, Kleim L, Flanagan J, Biourge V, German AJ. Metabolisable energy content in canine and feline foods is best predicted by the NRC2006 equation. PloS one. (2019);14:e0223099. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223099 

Carlin G, Chaumontet C, Blachier F, Barbillon P, Darcel N, Blais A, Delteil C, Guillin FM, Blat S, van der Beek EM, Kodde A, Tomé D, Davila AM. Maternal High-Protein Diet during Pregnancy Modifies Rat Offspring Body Weight and Insulin Signalling but Not Macronutrient Preference in Adulthood. Nutrients (2019);11(1):96. doi: 10.3390/nu11010096.

Cariou V, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Qannari EM, Rutledge DN. ComDim methods for the analysis of multiblock data in data fusion perspective, Chap. 7 of the book "Data Fusion Methodology and Applications", Data Handling in Science and Technology (2019), 31, 179-204 (Ed. Marina Cocchi), Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63984-4.00007-7

Chalvon-Demersay T, Moro J, Even PC, Chaumontet C, Tomé D, Averous J, Piedcoq J, Gaudichon C, Maurin AC, Fafournoux P, Azzout-Marniche D. Liver GCN2 controls hepatic FGF21 secretion and modulates whole body postprandial oxidation profile under a low-protein diet. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. (2019);317(6):E1015-E1021. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00022.2019. 

Chaumontet C, Azzout-Marniche D, Blais A, Piedcoq J, Tomé D, Gaudichon C, Even PC. Low-protein and methionine, high-starch diets increase energy intake and expenditure, increase FGF21, decrease IGF-1, and have little effect on adiposity in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. (2019);316(5):R486-R501. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00316.2018. 

Cordella CB, Izquierdo-Rodriguez A, Durand-Thouand M-J: A 3D-Fluorescence Fingerprinting Approach to Detect Physiological Modifications Induced by Pesticide Poisoning in Apis mellifera: A Preliminary Study.  Journal of Fluorescence (2019), 29(6):1475-1485.

Delaporte G, Cladière M, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Camel V. Untargeted food contaminant detection using UHPLC-HRMS combined with multivariate: feasibility study on tea. Food Chemistry (2019), 277,  54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.10.089

De Figueiredo M, CordellaC.B.Y , Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, X. Archer X, Bégué JM, Rutledge DN. Evaluation of an untargeted chemometric approach for the source inference of ignitable liquids in forensic science, Forensic Science International (2019), 295, 8-18. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.11.016.

De Figueiredo M, Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse D, Cordella CBY, Archer X, Bégué JM, Rutledge DN, Exploratory study on the possibility to link gasoline samples sharing a common source after alteration by evaporation or combustion, Forensic Science International (2019), 301, 190-201. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.05.032

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Modification date: 28 June 2024 | Publication date: 17 February 2021 | By: FG