PROSPECT “Protein intake, nutrition security and cardiometabolic risk”

Team PROSPECT « Protein intake, nutrition security and cardiometabolic risk »

Equipe PROSPECT « Apport en protéines, sécurité nutritionnelle et risque cardiométabolique »  (version française)


We are studying the relationships between food consumption of animal and plant proteins, nutritional security and prevention of cardiometabolic risk. Our studies are thus set in the general context of the transition from dietary protein sources to less animal protein and more vegetable protein in Western (energy-rich) diets.

The effects of a differential intake of plant and animal proteins are addressed at several levels to address several complementary issues. We are thus implementing two types of studies: (1) metabolic studies, with nutritional interventions in animals and humans to study the impact of protein transitions on cardiometabolic risk, and (2) consumption analysis studies at the individual and population level, with observational and simulation/optimization studies to guide nutritional recommendations.

1. In our metabolic intervention studies, we approach dietary protein transitions in a decomposed or integrated manner, by manipulating specific amino acid intakes, alone or in combination (to reproduce differences in amino acid intake profiles between animal and vegetable proteins), or by manipulating the intake of certain types of proteins (cereals, legumes) or protein sources (taking into account the notion of "protein environment", i.e. by integrating nutrients and other substances closely associated with proteins into ingredients and foods). We are investigating the effects of these protein transitions on the development of metabolic deregulation, notably by using metabolic challenge models (e. g. with meals and diets rich in saturated fatty acids and sugars) in animals and humans. These metabolic deregulations, in particular the initiation of insulin resistance and low-noise inflammation (systemic and vascular), are studied in conjunction with associated physiological changes, giving preference to validated risk criteria. At the metabolic level, the team mainly uses global multiomics characterization methods (metabolomics and fluxomics by isotopomics in natural and enriched abundance) and multitissues, combined with mechanistic modelling approaches.

2. In our population consumption analysis studies, we study the nutrient and dietary patterns associated with animal and plant protein intakes. We analyze how the characteristics of protein transitions affect the adequacy of intake for nutritional requirements (nutritional security) and the predicted risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes (including the use of epidemiological models). We use food surveys and combine observational data with simulations of protein transitions. We study scenarios of drastic or moderate changes in dietary protein intake, based mainly on a series of small dietary changes to analyze individual change pathways. We use local and global optimization processes to guide these scenarios towards nutrition and health objectives, under various strategies and constraints that take into account other aspects of transition sustainability.

These different levels of study (metabolism and epidemiology; individuals and populations) are articulated within a general public nutrition perspective. Thus, metabolic studies aim to identify metabolic biomarkers that can then be studied in cohort biobanks to study relationships with cardiometabolic risk.

Our main projects are (1) in our first part of studies, to develop a joint interpretation by integrative modeling of the generated multi-omics multi-scale data, in order to analyze and understand metabolic reorientations, and possibly pre-pathological deregulations, induced by nutritional transitions, and (2), in our second part of studies, to develop a multi-criteria analysis of the sustainability of the protein transition models and scenarios we are studying, by contributing to the coupling of models from different disciplines within our collaborative network.

These levels of study (metabolism and epidemiology; individuals and populations) will be articulated into a general population nutrition perspective. Metabolic studies will seek to identify metabolic biomarkers that will then be investigated in cohort biobanks to study relationships to cardiometabolic risk. At the more integrative level of dietary intake, we wish to continue to develop, in collaboration, multi-criteria analysis of the sustainability of the protein transition models and scenarios that we are studying, and would like to contribute to coupling models from different disciplines.

The team

► François Mariotti, Head of the team.


Professor, AgroParisTech.

Background: tracer-based methods for amino acid metabolism, vascular function; Expertise: nutritional requirements; nutritional status and risk assessment; plant-based and vegetarian diets; main project: nutrition security and cardiometabolic risk in scenarios of changes in animal/plant protein intake. Other activities: Chairman of the Standing Committee on Nutrition at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses).


► Hélène Fouillet

Researcher, INRAE

Background: modelling of metabolic systems by analysis of isotopic data (quantitative isotopic fluxomics in enriched abundances and qualitative fluxomics in natural abundances). Expertise: modelling of metabolic and nutritional systems, dietary and physiopathological modulations of amino acid and protein metabolism. Main project: metabolic reorientations during protein food transitions: multiomics characterization and interpretation by modeling. Other activity: member of the scientific council of the INRA's AlimH department.


► Jean-François Huneau

Photo JF Huneau

Professor, AgroParisTech

Background: intestinal physiology and nutrient bioavailability. Expertise:  nutritional requirements; amino acid metabolism; Main project: metabolic reorientation during food transition. Other activities: member of the Standing Committee on Nutrition at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses), member of the board of the French Nutrition Society, chairman of the Human Health and Nutrition section of the Life Sciences and Health Department at AgroParisTech.


► Véronique Mathé

Photo Véronique-M

Research Technician, INRAE.


► Annie Quignard-Boulangé

Photo Annie

Emeritus Senior scientist, INSERM.

Background:  dietary proteins impact on controlling the development and inflammation of adipose tissue in a nutritional obesity model.  Mechanisms for the prevention of metabolic syndrome by ecdysteroids. Project: search for plasma miRNAs as markers of postprandial response in overweight subjects.  Other activities: member of the scientific council of the French Nutrition Society and member of the national committee for the organization of the annual congress of the Journées francophones de Nutrition (JFN). 

Email :

► Eric Schoonejans

Scientist, INRAE

Photo Eric S

Background : health, and environment foresights ; methodologies of risk assessment, management and communication ; biotech regulatory oversight; legal norms development; molecular genetics. Expertise: sustainability and environmental, health and socio-economic externalities of food systems; biosafety, GMO and biotech; international public environment, sanitary and trade law. Main project: analysis of sustainable food systems foresights, and of their health, nutritional, environmental and socio-economic impacts. Other activities: member of the ANSES R31 network’s foresight WG; development of national biosafety frameworks for developing countries.

Email :

► Juhui Wang


Research Engineer, INRAE.

I am a Research Engineer in applied mathematics and computer science. I like to combine modeling/stochastic/optimization techniques to formulate and analyze the connection between diet, nutrition and the prevention of metabolic symptoms.  In applied mathematics, I am especially interested in Markov models, sensitivity analysis and machine learning. In computer science, my interests principally focus on software engineering, stochastic simulation of population dynamics on complex networks and High Performance Computing.

Email :

Present PhD Students

► Laurianne Dimina


Valuing plant proteins as blends of high nutritional quality for specific populations. Application to the development of a protein ingredient and the characterization of its effects on cardiometabolic health in the elderly.

Collaboration with UMR INRAE UNH.

► Alison Dussiot


Which prospective and which nutritional modalities within the framework of a proflexitarian transition of food in France? Analysis of nutritional and dietary levers and barriers to reducing meat consumption. Co-supervision EREN.

► Gaia Lépine

Nutritional transitions to more plant proteins and less animal proteins: Understanding the induced metabolic reorientations and research into their biomarkers. Co-supervision UNH.

► Elie Perraud


Characterization of optimal trajectories of microdietary changes during the proflexitarian dietary transition: for a comparative analysis of nutritional modalities of transitions and their impact on sustainability.

► Rosalie Prat

Analysis of the relationship between dietary diversity and nutritional quality of diets.

► Pauline Mombert

Multicriteria risk-benefit assessment of highly plant-based diets.
Collaboration with UMR INRAE SECALIM.

Former team members

► Dominique Hermier

Senior scientist, INRAE

Experience: Evidence of dysregulations induced by western-type diets by using pre-clinical models that take into account the lipid environment of dietary protein. Expertise: conduct of pre-clinical studies aiming to characterize cardiometabolic risk markers at the phenotypic, metabolic, and molecular levels. Main project: physiopathological consequences at the systemic level of early alterations of intestinal functions in response to western-type diets, and effects of food transitions on the degree of the alterations. Other activity: member of the board and of the scientific council of the French Nutrition Society.


► Moufidath Adjibade (2018-2019).


Evaluation of the value of tailored advice on food substitution within the same category for reducing the risk of diabetes.

Former PhD students who have recently graduated

Marion Salomé (2021).

Plant protein foods from the oil-protein production sector for rebalancing the protein intake of the French population: analysis, simulation, optimization based on the consumption of the French population.

► Trenton Dailey-Chwalibóg (2020).

Biomedical Investigations for Optimized Diagnosis and Monitoring of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM): Elucidating the Heterogenious Diagnosis of SAM by Current Anthropometric Criteria and Moving Beyond. Co-supervision Gent University.

► Erwan de Gavelle (2019). Modeling of acceptable trajectories of rearrangement of protein intake to increase nutritional adequacy; sustainability impacts.

► Olivier Landry-Mantha (2018). A new isotopomic approach to identify dysregulations of protein and amino acid metabolism during the development of the metabolic syndrome.

► Clelia Bianchi (2017). Development and evaluation of a tailored, step-by-step nutritional counselling method to improve the nutritional adequacy of pregnant women's diets in France.

International publications


Dussiot A, Fouillet H, Wang J, Salomé M, Huneau JF, Kesse-Guyot E, Mariotti F. Modeled healthy eating patterns are largely constrained by currently estimated requirements for bioavailable iron and zinc - a diet optimization study in French Adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021 Nov 13:nqab373. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab373. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34791006.

Salomé M, Kesse-Guyot E, Fouillet H, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Huneau JF, Mariotti F. Development and evaluation of a new dietary index assessing nutrient security by aggregating probabilistic estimates of the risk of nutrient deficiency in two French adult populations. Br J Nutr. 2020 Dec 18. doi: Online ahead of print

Adjibade M, Mariotti F, Leroy P, Souchon I, Saint-Eve A, Fagherazzi G, Soler LG, Huneau JF. Impact of intra-category food substitutions on the risk of type 2 diabetes: a modelling study on the pizza category. Br J Nutr. 2021 Jun 14;1-26. DOI: 10.1017/S0007114521002130

Lépine G, Fouillet H, Remond D, Huneau JF, Mariotti F, Polakof S. A scoping review: metabolomics signatures associated with animal or plant protein intake and their potential relation to cardiometabolic risk. Adv Nutr, in press.

Salomé M, Huneau JF, Le Baron C, Kesse-Guyot E, Fouillet H, Mariotti F. Substituting meat or dairy products  with plant-based substitutes has small and heterogeneous effects on diet quality and nutrient security: A simulation study in French adults (INCA3). J Nutr, 2021 May 28;nxab146. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab146.

Kesse-Guyot E, Fouillet H, Baudry J, Dussiot A, Langevin B, Allès B, Rebouillat P, Brunin J, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Lairon D, Mariotti F, Pointereau P. Halving food-related greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by redistributing meat consumption: progressive optimization Results of the NutriNet-Health cohort. Science of the Total Environment, May 24;789:147901. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147901. Online ahead of print.

Dailey-Chwalibóg T, Freemark M, Muehlbauer M, Roberfroid D, Kemokai IA, Mostak MR, Alim MA, Khan MMST, Khan MAH, Bawo L, Dunbar NK, Taylor CH, Fouillet H, Huneau JF, Kolsteren P, Guesdon B. Clinical and Biochemical Markers of Risk in Uncomplicated Severe Acute Malnutrition. Pediatrics 2021. Jun;147(6):e2020027003. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-027003. Epub 2021 May 21.

Salomé M, Arrazat L, Wang J, Dufour A, Dubuisson C, Volatier JC, Huneau JF, Mariotti F. Contrary to ultra-processed foods, the consumption of unprocessed or minimally processed food is associated with favorable patterns of plant and animal protein intake, diet quality and lower cardiometabolic risk in French adults (INCA3). Eur J Nutr, May 8. doi: 10.1007/s00394-021-02576-2. Online ahead of print.

Kesse-Guyot E, Rebouillat P, Brunin J, Langevin B, Allès B, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Fouillet H, Huneau JF, Mariotti F, Lairon D, Pointereau P, Baudry J.  Environmental and nutritional analysis of the EAT-Lancet diet at the individual level: insights from the NutriNet-Santé study. Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 296, 10 May 2021, 1265552021, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126555. 

Seconda L, Fouillet H, Huneau JF, Pointereau P, Baudry J, Langevin B, Lairon D, Allès B, Touvier M, Hercberg S, Mariotti F, Kesse-Guyot E. Conservative to disruptive diets for optimizing nutrition, environmental impacts and cost in French adults from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. Nature Food. 2021.

Verger EO, Le Port A, Borderon A, Bourbon T, Moursi M, Savy M, Mariotti F,  Martin-Prevel Y. Dietary diversity indicators and their associations with dietary adequacy and health outcomes: a systematic scoping review. Adv Nutr. March 2021, nmab009, 

Mariotti F, Havard S, Morise A, Nadaud P, Sirot V, Wetzler S, Margaritis I. Modeling Healthy Eating Patterns for Food-Based Dietary Guidelines – Scientific Concepts, Methodological Processes, Limitations and Lessons. Adv Nutr. 2021 Jan 28:nmaa176. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmaa176. 


Mantha OL, Huneau JF, Mathé V, Hermier D, Khodorova N, Mariotti F, Fouillet H. Differential changes to splanchnic and peripheral protein metabolism during the diet-induced development of metabolic syndrome in rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Jul 1;319(1):E175-E186. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00061.2020. Epub 2020 May 27. PMID: 32459526.

Kesse-Guyot E, Chaltiel D, Wang J, Pointereau P, Langevin B, Allès B, Rebouillat P, Lairon D, Vidal R, Mariotti F, Egnell M, Touvier M, Julia C, Baudry J, Hercberg S. Sustainability analysis of French dietary guidelines using multiple criteria. Nature Sustainability. 23 March 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-020-0495-8.

Lecorguillé M, Lioret S, de Lauzon-Guillain B, De Gavelle E, Forhan A , Mariotti F, Charles MA, Heude B. Association between dietary intake of one-carbon metabolism nutrients in the year before pregnancy and birth anthropometry. Nutrients 2020, 12(3), 838;

Dailey-Chwalibóg T, Huneau JF, Mathé V, Kolsteren P, Mariotti F, Mostak MR, Alim MA, Khan MMST, Khan MAH, Guesdon B, Fouillet H. Weaning and stunting affect nitrogen and carbon stable isotope natural abundances in the hair of young children. Sci Rep. 2020 Feb 13;10(1):2522. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59402-8.

Mariotti F, Bianchi CM, Huneau JF. Invited commentary in response to: Risk of overestimating treatment effects and generalizability of computer-based tailored dietary counselling. Br J Nutr. 2020 Feb 5:1-3. doi: 10.1017/S0007114520000355.

Mariotti F, Gardner CD. Adéquation de l’apport en protéines et acides aminés dans les régimes végétariens. Cah Nutr Diet. 2020. 55(2) :66-81. DOI : 10.1016/j.cnd.2019.12.002.

Lortal S, El Mecherfi K, Mariotti F, Eutamène H, Rul F, Champomier-Vergès M-C., Savary-Auzeloux I. Aliments fermentés & bénéfices santé : un challenge pour la recherche. Cah Nutr Diet. 2020. Publié en ligne le 24 aril 2020.    DOI: 10.1016/j.cnd.2020.02.004.

Salomé M, De Gavelle E, Dufour A, Dubuisson C, Volatier JL, Fouillet H, Huneau JF, Mariotti F. Plant protein diversity is critical to ensuring the nutritional adequacy of diets when replacing animal with plant protein – observed and modeled diets of French adults (INCA3). J Nutr. 2020, 150(3):536-545. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz252.

Mariotti F. Arginine supplementation and cardiometabolic health. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2020 Jan;23(1):29-34. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000612.

Bianchi CM, Mariotti F, Lluch A, Journet C, Stehr Y, Beaussier H, Fournier J, Dervaux S, Cohen-Tanuggi D, Reulet E, Verger EO, Azria E, Huneau JF. Computer-based tailored dietary counseling improves the nutrient adequacy of French pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial. Br J Nutr. 2020 Jan 28;123(2):220-231. doi: 10.1017/S0007114519002617.

Tharrey M, Mariotti F*, Mashchak A, Barbillon P, Delattre M, Huneau JF, Fraser GE*. Patterns of amino acids intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality, independently of the sources of protein: The Adventist Health Study-2 cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2020 Feb 1;49(1):312-321. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz194. *shared position.

de Gavelle E, Leroy P, Perrimon M, Huneau JF, Sirot V, Orset C, Fouillet H, Soler LG, Mariotti F. Modeled gradual changes in protein intake to increase nutrient adequacy lead to greater sustainability when systematically targeting an increase in the share of plant protein. Climatic Change, SpringerVerlag, 2020, 161, pp.129-149. 10.1007/s10584-019-02592-6.


Mariotti F. Animal and Plant Protein Sources and Cardiometabolic Health. Adv Nutr. 2019;10(Suppl_4):S351-S366. doi:10.1093/advances/nmy110.

Mariotti F, Gardner CD. Dietary protein and amino acids in vegetarian diets – a review. Nutrients 2019, 11(11), 2661;

Mariotti F. Arginine supplementation and cardiometabolic health. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2019 Oct 24. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000612. [Epub ahead of print].

Bianchi CM, Mariotti F, Lluch A, Journet C, Stehr Y, Beaussier H, Fournier J, Dervaux S, Cohen-Tanuggi D, Reulet E, Verger EO, Azria E, Huneau JF. Computer-based tailored dietary counseling improves the nutrient adequacy of French pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial. Br J Nutr. 2019 Oct 18:1-24. doi: 10.1017/S0007114519002617. [Epub ahead of print].

Tharrey M, Mariotti F*, Mashchak A, Barbillon P, Delattre M, Huneau JF, Fraser GE*. Patterns of amino acids intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality, independently of the sources of protein: The Adventist Health Study-2 cohort. Int J Epidemiol. Published: 27 September 2019. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyz194. *shared position.

Dimina L, Mariotti F. Postprandial appearance of features of the metabolic syndrome: acute induction and prevention by nutrients and other dietary substances. Nutrients 2019, 11(9), 1963;

de Gavelle E, Davidenko O, Fouillet H, Delarue J, Darcel N, Huneau JF, Mariotti F. The willingness to modify portions sizes or to eat new protein foods largely depends on the dietary pattern of protein intake. Nutrients 2019, 11(7), 1556;

de Gavelle E, Davidenko O, Fouillet H, Delarue J, Darcel N, Huneau JF, Mariotti F. Self-declared attitudes and beliefs regarding protein sources are a good prediction of the degree of transition to a low-meat diet in France. Appetite. 2019 Jul 2:104345. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104345.

Bollenbach A, Huneau JF, Mariotti F*, Tsikas D* Asymmetric and Symmetric Protein-arginine Dimethylation: Concept and Postprandial Effects of High-fat Protein Meals in Overweight Healthy Men. Nutrients. 2019, 11, 1463. *shared position.

Huneau JF, Mantha OL, Hermier D, Mathé V, Galmiche G, Mariotti F, Fouillet H. Natural isotope abundances of carbon and nitrogen in tissue proteins and amino acids as biomarkers of the decreased carbohydrate oxidation and increased amino acid oxidation induced by caloric restriction under a maintained protein intake in obese rats. Nutrients. 2019, 11(5) 1087.

De Gavelle E, Huneau JF, Fouillet H, Mariotti F. The initial dietary pattern should be considered when changing protein food portion sizes to increase nutrient adequacy in a French adults. J Nutr. 2019 Mar 1;149(3):488-496. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy275.


Houngbe F, Tonguet-Papucci A, Nago E, Gauny J, Ait-Aïssa M, Huneau JF, Kolsteren P, Huybregts L. Effects of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers on food security and dietary diversity in rural Burkina Faso: the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM'Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Dec 18:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018003452.

De Gavelle E, Huneau J-F, Mariotti F. Patterns of Protein Food Intake Are Associated with Nutrient Adequacy in the General French Adult Population. Nutrients 10: 226, 2018.

Tappy L, Morio B, Azzout-Marniche D, Champ M, Gerber M, Houdart S, Mas E, Rizkalla S, Slama G, Mariotti F, Margaritis I. French Recommendations for Sugar Intake in Adults: A Novel Approach Chosen by ANSES. Nutrients. 2018 Jul 29;10(8). pii: E989. doi: 10.3390/nu10080989.

Tharrey M, Mariotti F, Mashchak A, Barbillon P, Delattre M, Fraser GE. Patterns of plant and animal protein intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality: the Adventist Health Study-2 cohort. International journal of epidemiology. 2018 Oct 1;47(5):1603-1612. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy030.

Mantha OL, Polakof S, Huneau JF, Mariotti F, Poupin N, Zalko D, Fouillet H. Early changes in tissue amino acid metabolism and nutrient routing in rats fed a high-fat diet: evidence from natural isotope abundances of nitrogen and carbon in tissue proteins. Br J Nutr. 2018.

Pujos-Guillot E, Brandolini-Bunlon M, Fouillet H, Joly C, Martin J-F, Huneau J-F, Dardevet D, Mariotti F. Metabolomics Reveals that the Type of Protein in a High-Fat Meal Modulates Postprandial Mitochondrial Overload and Incomplete Substrate Oxidation in Healthy Overweight Men. The Journal of nutrition 148: 876–884, 2018.

Bianchi CM, Huneau J-F, Barbillon P, Lluch A, Egnell M, Fouillet H, Verger EO, Mariotti F. A clear trade-off exists between the theoretical efficiency and acceptability of dietary changes that improve nutrient adequacy during early pregnancy in French women: Combined data from simulated changes modeling and online assessment survey. PloS one 13: e0194764, 2018.

Tsikas D, Hanff E, Bollenbach A, Kruger R, Pham VV, Chobanyan-Jürgens K, Wedekind D, Arndt T, Jörns A, Berbée JF, Princen H, Lücke T, Mariotti F, Huneau JF, Ückert S, Frölich J, Lenzen S. Results, meta-analysis and a first evaluation of U NOx R, the urinary nitrate-to-nitrite molar ratio, as a measure of nitrite reabsorption in experimental and clinical settings. Amino acids. 2018 May 4. doi: 10.1007/s00726-018-2573-z .

Cantalaiedra-Hijar G, Dewhurst RJ, Cheng L, Cabrita ARJ, Fonseca AJM, Noziere P, Makowski D, Fouillet H, Ortigues-Marty I. Nitrogen isotopic fractionation as a biomarker for nitrogen use efficiency in ruminants: a meta-analysis. Animal 2018;12(9):1827-37. doi: 10.1017/s1751731117003391.

Hermier D, Mariotti F. Importance du métabolisme des protéines et des acides aminés dans la prévention et la prise en charge du syndrome métabolique – Modulation par les acides gras n-3. Cah. Nutr. Diet. 2018. Aout 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnd.2018.06.002.

Houngbe F, Tonguet-Papucci A, Nago E, Gauny J, Ait-Aïssa M, Huneau JF, Kolsteren P, Huybregts L. Effects of multiannual, seasonal unconditional cash transfers on food security and dietary diversity in rural Burkina Faso: the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM'Out) cluster-randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutr. 2018 Dec 18:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S1368980018003452.


De Gavelle E, Huneau J-F, Bianchi CM, Verger EO, Mariotti F. Protein adequacy is primarily a matter of protein quantity, not quality: Modeling an increase in plant: Animal protein ratio in French adults. Nutrients 9: 1333, 2017.

Tonguet-Papucci A, Houngbe F, Huybregts L, Ait-Aissa M, Altare C, Kolsteren P, Huneau JF. Unconditional Seasonal Cash Transfer Increases Intake of High-Nutritional-Value Foods in Young Burkinabe Children: Results of 24-Hour Dietary Recall Surveys within the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM'Out) Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Nutrition 2017;147(7):1418-25. doi: 10.3945/jn.116.244517.

Hermier D, Mathé V, Lan A, Santini C, Quignard-Boulangé A, Huneau J-F, Mariotti F. Postprandial low-grade inflammation does not specifically require TLR4 activation in the rat. Nutrition & metabolism 14: 65, 2017.

Fardet A, Morise A, Kalonji E, Margaritis I, Mariotti F. Influence of phytosterol and phytostanol food supplementation on plasma liposoluble vitamins and provitamin A carotenoid levels in humans: An updated review of the evidence. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 57: 1906–1921, 2017.

Tonguet-Papucci A, Houngbe F, Lompo P, Yameogo WME, Huneau JF, Ait Aissa M, Kolsteren P. Beneficiaries' perceptions and reported use of unconditional cash transfers intended to prevent acute malnutrition in children in poor rural communities in Burkina Faso: qualitative results from the MAM'Out randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2017 May 30;17(1):527. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4453-y.

Houngbe F, Tonguet-Papucci A, Altare C, Ait-Aissa M, Huneau JF, Huybregts L, Kolsteren P. Unconditional Cash Transfers Do Not Prevent Children's Undernutrition in the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM'Out) Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural Burkina Faso. J Nutr. 2017 Jul;147(7):1410-1417. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.247858. Epub 2017 May 24.

Hanff E, Kayacelebi AA, Mariotti F, Herrmann C,  Obermann M, Das AM, Tsikas D. Analytical challenges in the assessment of NO synthesis from L-arginine in the MELAS syndrome. International journal of cardiology 234: 141– 142, 2017.

Tonguet-Papucci A, Houngbe F, Lompo P, Yameogo WME, Huneau JF, Aissa MA, Kolsteren P. Beneficiaries' perceptions and reported use of unconditional cash transfers intended to prevent acute malnutrition in children in poor rural communities in Burkina Faso: qualitative results from the MAM'Out randomized controlled trial. Bmc Public Health 2017;17. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4453-y.

Houngbe F, Tonguet-Papucci A, Altare C, Ait-Aissa M, Huneau JF, Huybregts L, Kolsteren P. Unconditional Cash Transfers Do Not Prevent Children's Undernutrition in the Moderate Acute Malnutrition Out (MAM'Out) Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural Burkina Faso. Journal of Nutrition 2017;147(7):1410-7. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.247858.

Mariotti F. Editor. Vegetarian and plant-based diets in health and disease prevention. Elsevier, Academic Press. 2017. 45 chapters. 922 pages.

Dagnelie PC et Mariotti F. Vegetarian diets: definitions and pitfalls in interpreting literature on health effects of vegetarianism. In: Mariotti F, editor. Vegetarian and plant-based diets in health and disease prevention. Elsevier, Academic Press. 2017.

Mariotti F. Plant protein, animal protein and protein quality. In: Mariotti F, editor. Vegetarian and plant-based-diets in health and disease prevention. Elsevier, Academic Press. 2017.

Mariotti F. Plant protein, animal protein and cardiometabolic health. In: Mariotti F, editor. Vegetarian and plant-based diets in health and disease prevention. Elsevier, Academic Press. 2017.


Bianchi CM, Egnell M, Huneau J-F, Mariotti F. Plant Protein Intake and Dietary Diversity Are Independently Associated with Nutrient Adequacy in French Adults–3. The Journal of nutrition 146: 2351–2360, 2016.

Bianchi CM, Mariotti F, Verger EO, Huneau J-F. Pregnancy requires major changes in the quality of the diet for nutritional adequacy: simulations in the French and the United States populations. PloS one 11: e0149858, 2016.

Devaux S, Adrian M, Laurant P, Berthelot A, Quignard-Boulange A. Dietary magnesium intake alters age-related changes in rat adipose tissue cellularity. Magnesium Research 2016;29(4):175-82. doi: 10.1684/mrh.2016.0406.

Bost M, Houdart S, Oberli M, Kalonji E, Huneau J-F, Margaritis I. Dietary copper and human health: Current evidence and unresolved issues. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 35: 107–115, 2016.

Bianchi CM, Huneau J-F, Le Goff G, Verger EO, Mariotti F, Gurviez P. Concerns, attitudes, beliefs and information seeking practices with respect to nutrition-related issues: a qualitative study in French pregnant women. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 16: 306, 2016.

Deveaux A, Fouillet H, Petzke KJ, Hermier D, André E, Bunouf P, Lantoine-Adam F, Benamouzig R, Mathé V, Huneau J-F. A Slow-Compared with a Fast-Release Form of Oral Arginine Increases Its Utilization for Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Overweight Adults with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in a Randomized Controlled Study. The Journal of nutrition 146: 1322–1329, 2016.

Deveaux A, Pham I, West SG, André E, Lantoine-Adam F, Bunouf P, Sadi S, Hermier D, Mathé V, Fouillet H. L-Arginine Supplementation Alleviates Postprandial Endothelial Dysfunction When Baseline Fasting Plasma Arginine Concentration Is Low: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Overweight Adults with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors–3. The Journal of nutrition 146: 1330–1340, 2016.

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Modification date: 11 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 February 2021 | By: AD